The Joomla! Core Team consists of volunteer developers, designers, administrators and managers who, together with a large range of Work Groups of dedicated community members have taken Joomla! to new heights in its relatively short life. This well-oiled machine is often copied but never surpassed. Joomla! has some wonderfully talented people taking Open Source concepts to the forefront of industry standards. Joomla! 1.5 is a major leap forward and represents the most exciting Joomla! release in the history of the project.

The project has a nice balance of legacy development from well-known coders such as Andrew Eddie (who pioneered Mambo's early success) to some young guns like Johan Janssens and Louis Landry. This dynamic trio has been further strengthening the project by bringing in new talent. In open source development people joke about the 'bus' factor. Projects which don't have coding 'spread' are considered less sound should their single lead developer get hit by a bus.




Kilómetro 5 vía Paipa    
Teléfono  (608) 7405875  extensión 1201
Celmira Moreno López

Lunes a Jueves  08:am 01:00 pm

02:00pm-05:00 pm 

Viernes de 08:00am-04:00pm        




Calle 10 Cra 3A
German Ariel Loaiza Sánchez

Teléfono (608) 7405875 extensión 1205

Lunes a Jueves  08:00am 01:00 pm


Viernes de 08:00am-04:00pm




Calle 3 No. 5 - 17
Wilmar Andres Martínez Ibañez

Teléfono  (608) 7405875 extensión 1208

Lunes a Jueves  08:00 am - 01:00 pm

02:00 pm  - 05:00 pm

Viernes de 08:00am-04:00 pm




Calle 20 No. 2 06
Diana Carolina Arias

Teléfono (608) 7405875 extensión 1204

Lunes a Jueves  08:00 am  01:00 pm

02:00pm - 05:00 pm         

Viernes de 08:00am-04:00pm




Calle 4 Con Cra 10
Andrea Milena Alarcón López
Teléfono (608) 7405875 extensión 1203

Lunes a Jueves  08:00am - 01:00 pm 


Viernes de 08:00am-04:00pm

  • 1
  • 2

soporte  Consulta Comparendos  Notificacion  Educacion Virtual Pagos en linea  glpi  glpiPHOTO-2022-12-05-09-08-42.jpg

Dirección: Cra. 2 No. 72-43 Antigua Vía Paipa (Tunja - Boyacá)
Horario de atención: de 8:00am a 12:00m y de 02:00pm a 06:00pm
NIT 891801069-8
Correo Institucional :
Número Telefónico:(608)7405875
Cobro coactivo ext: 1012 celular: 3173675911