To ensure this code release, Wilco Jansen resorted to sending rum to joint lead-developer Johan Janssens. Johan, who's had a penchant for rum ever since the first "Pirate's of the Caribbean" movie screened, took the bait, mixed it with Cola, and here we are with our latest 1.5 release. It looks like pirate talk will figure quite a lot in future Joomla! development!

Translation for you real pirates:

First Mate Wilco resorted t' sendin' rum t' joint Capt'n Johan. Johan, who's had a penchant for rum ever since t' first "Pirate's o' t' Caribbean" movie screened, took t' bait, mixed it with molasses, and here we be with our latest 1.5 release. It looks like pirate talk will figure quite a lot in future Joomla! development!




Kilómetro 5 vía Paipa    
Teléfono  (608) 7405875  extensión 1201
Celmira Moreno López

Lunes a Jueves  08:am 01:00 pm

02:00pm-05:00 pm 

Viernes de 08:00am-04:00pm        




Calle 10 Cra 3A
German Ariel Loaiza Sánchez

Teléfono (608) 7405875 extensión 1205

Lunes a Jueves  08:00am 01:00 pm


Viernes de 08:00am-04:00pm




Calle 3 No. 5 - 17
Wilmar Andres Martínez Ibañez

Teléfono  (608) 7405875 extensión 1208

Lunes a Jueves  08:00 am - 01:00 pm

02:00 pm  - 05:00 pm

Viernes de 08:00am-04:00 pm




Calle 20 No. 2 06
Diana Carolina Arias

Teléfono (608) 7405875 extensión 1204

Lunes a Jueves  08:00 am  01:00 pm

02:00pm - 05:00 pm         

Viernes de 08:00am-04:00pm




Calle 4 Con Cra 10
Andrea Milena Alarcón López
Teléfono (608) 7405875 extensión 1203

Lunes a Jueves  08:00am - 01:00 pm 


Viernes de 08:00am-04:00pm

  • 1
  • 2

soporte  Consulta Comparendos  Notificacion  Educacion Virtual Pagos en linea  glpi  glpiPHOTO-2022-12-05-09-08-42.jpg

Dirección: Cra. 2 No. 72-43 Antigua Vía Paipa (Tunja - Boyacá)
Horario de atención: de 8:00am a 12:00m y de 02:00pm a 06:00pm
NIT 891801069-8
Correo Institucional :
Número Telefónico:(608)7405875
Cobro coactivo ext: 1012 celular: 3173675911